
Showing posts from July, 2017

American Voters: It Is Time to Repeal and Replace Your Establishment Senator and Representative

American Voters: It Is Time to Repeal and Replace Your Establishment Senator and Representative Yes, it's your fault, Mr. and Ms. American Voter.  Let's not beat around the Bush with a finely layered supposition tenuously acknowledging the political cleverness of legislators to force a "Cage" Fight in Conference to Repeal ObamaCare.  The Unions of Capital Hill--the Bernie Sanders Marxists, the Charles Schummer Socialists, and the Mitch McConnell Establishment--have endorsed Socialized Medicine.  You can call it  Universal Health Care or Affordable Health Care .  Any way you package manure, it still smells like manure.  When the Patriotic US Senators, draped in the Nation's War Colors of Red, White, and Blue, stood upon the floor of the Upper House of the United States Congress, they were given the opportunity to fight for the freedoms and liberties of their heritage as witnessed in the warnings of former President Ronald Reagan: "...pretty soon you

Blue Dogging Texas: The More Successful the Lone Star State Is, The Greater the Risk of the GOP Losing It

If I was the Governor of America's  Lone Star State , I would be flying into Midway Airport in Chicago, Illinois to Host An In-Town Meet and Greet.  I would sit down with John Kerin, Chicago Stock Exchange CEO, and Terrence A. Duffy, The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Chairman and CEO, and express the great benefits of moving to Fort Worth-Dallas, Houston or Austin.  I would invite every foreign investor, every corporate honcho, every small business owner, and every McDonald's employee that subscribed to the Nancy Pelosi Sure Fire Plan of Stirring the Economy by Raising the Minimum Wage to greet me at the Skydeck Chicago.  Why?  Merely to extend the invitation to try Texas.  The Friendship state offers everything that a reasonable tax revenue patron of the Land of Lincoln could desire. Since the Obama generated US economic malaise, Texas has been  the engine of national prosperity .  Former Governor Rick Perry and current  Governor Gregory Wayne Abbott  have been com