
Showing posts from September, 2017

Spelman: From the Genesis of Moral Liberation to the Revelation of Immoral Indoctrination

There is none other. Howard University is affectionately referred to by many as the "Ivy League Institution of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU's)".  However, it is not ranked Number One (1) amongst HBCU's as one of the nation's top liberal arts colleges by U.S. News & World Report.  That title is jealously possessed by the women of Spelman College.  Claflin University, the first HBCU to surpass the benchmark of 50 percent alumni giftings, is recognized for graduating the most faithful contributors.  In fact,  52% of Claflin  alumni provide the institution financial support.  However, very few HBCU's can compete with the financial contribution machine that is Spelman.  Between 1986 and 1996, the college raised $113.8 million, including a $20 million gift from Bill Cosby and his wife, Camille Hanks Cosby, whose daughter graduated from the illustrious educational mecca.  Such liberality of giving by others alleviates graduates of the

Progressive Urban Economics Has Driven Community Activists to Demand A Cashless Society

"I hope this business comes to the area. and you better tell us later what type of business this is? I swear some people would even mess up a wet dream."  ~~Yvonne Z. Smith  Messing it all up.  Dramatic prose that is written for less than prosperous times.  However, it is the essence of desperation that sums up nearly a half-century pursuit of the urban progressive economics promises of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that were sincerely exalted by community advocates and political activists.  The more government owned the economic development processes then, the more likely the poor will benefit and the "working class" will thrive.  This is what we were told.  Yet, the bureaucratic elite, having imposed their theories upon the hungry masses of Washington, DC, left many East of the River citizens exasperated with the overall economic deficiencies.  While cranes silhouette the western suburbs of Anacostia and Congress Heights, Wards Seven and Eight commu