
Showing posts from October, 2017

Guard Thy Rights: When Advocates Bend to the Establishment, Citizens Need Be Concerned

"The prohibition is general. No clause in the Constitution could by any rule of construction be conceived to give to Congress a power to disarm the people. Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under some general pretense by a state legislature. But if in any blind pursuit of inordinate power, either should attempt it, this amendment may be appealed to as a restraint on both." — William Rawle , A View of the Constitution 125-6 (2nd ed. 1829) There is a constant drumbeat in America.  It is the Left's persistent, almost insatiable, need to control the past, present, and future through its mighty narratives and charming messengers.  Since the last Presidential Election, they have displayed their Resistance by a show of force and by deadly force itself.  They are protected by the Wealth of Wall Street, the Representative Power of the Establishment on Capitol Hill, and the Unrelenting Presentation of Myth and Rhetoric expressed as News.  What worsens this pl

Repeal the State and Local Tax Deduction: Ending the Leftists' States' Manipulation of the US Treasury

One of the best lessons that I ever learned about lobbying and federal subsidy came by way of my wife and daughters.  Although I saw myself as a hard-core disciplinarian parent committed to the principles of frugality, my daughters, and my wife, were far more wise to my weaknesses as a father.  Yes, I loved and spoiled my daughters.  They were so cute, so sweet, and so smart.  They would look at me with their adoring eyes as I threatened to pound flesh and they would walk away with only a verbal warning.  They were my babies and they knew how to stroke Daddy's ego well.  "O, father, you are so wise.  Please tell us again your opinions on the Sixteenth Amendment."  My daughters would normally ask me such questions at about bedtime, in my home office where the cable television link broadcast.  Swollen with great pride that they had chosen me as their historical link to American politics and economics, I was more than willing to bend the strict regard for their bedt