Virginia Commonwealth GOP: You Are Either A Democrat or A Republican. The World Will Know on November 6.

“I am extremely disappointed that a candidate like Corey Stewart could win the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. This is clearly not the Republican Party I once knew, loved and proudly served.  Every time I think things can’t get worse they do, and there is no end in sight.”
Former Virginia Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling (Tweet on 9:20 PM - 12 Jun 2018)

My friends and I were invited to the home of the Commonwealth of Virginia's Republican United States Senate Nominee Corey Stewart.  Of the attendees, one was a powerful Black Capitol Hill advisor of politics and trade to Republicans and Conservatives throughout the United States and, the other, a popular Black Christian Commentator with a large Gospel Network of Faith Leaders around the Nation.  Little old me, I'm just a National Political Pundit and Owner of a Christian Conservative Television Network in the Nation's Capital.  I, too, am Black.  We were invited to get to know the man.

Of course, as black men that visit local barbershops and soul food establishments, we had been warned of the character of the man that soon became known to us as "Corey".  We were told that he was a "white supremacist" with "confederate flags" aligning both sides of the driveway.  We were told of his great love for Adolf Hitler and of how none of us would be seen again after arriving at his home.  The Klu Klux Klan would ride along Richmond Highway and leave us as "monuments" to the past upon the very trees that aligned the modern Confederate way.  Yes, the same past that Hillary Rodham Clinton, former Democrat Party Presidential Nominee, promised that Donald Trump would revive during his presidency.  The past that Republicans had nothing to do with but the Grand Ol' Party (GOP) of Today accepts as their past because it is easier to appease the Left and its popular communication department, the Mainstream Media, than to actually protect and preach historical accuracy.  However, when assassinating a man's character then, who needs facts?

The Democrat Party, once purveyors of Jim Crow throughout the United States, is certainly wise enough to believe that Blacks care more about being enslaved by plantation owners than being enslaved by high taxes, oppressive student loans, and burdensome regulations that impeach the US economy and harm employment creation.  Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, both men of the cloth, repeatedly accuse Republicans–the party of Liberation and Freedom–of seeking a return to Jim Crow laws and poll taxes.  Although, each has majored in anti-semitism, a time or two, in their public political careers.  Long before Hip Hop Rapper Eminem dropped the N-word, a renown US Senator beat him to the punch.  Former Ku Klux Klansman Robert Byrd, who the Democrats at one point made their Senate Majority Leader, dropped the “N-word” during a television interview in 2001.  He apologized and was later eulogized by the first Black US President, William Jefferson Clinton, and then, the second, Barack Hussein Obama. 

Needless to say, it was the Democrat Party's prolonged efforts in America's local, state and federal legislatures, executive offices, and judiciaries--from the days of the Declaration of Independence to the days of Reconstruction following the Civil War--that preserved slavery throughout the US.  It is always easier to seize upon the fears of the Left and Right.  As many times as Tavis Smiley has been right about his political interests, we must believe that his foresight on judicial history is enough to secure the minds of voters--especially the young, gifted, and black ones--that someday their children and their children's children will return to the cotton picking of the long-ago plantation days.  I mean even former Vice President Joe Biden promised that if Obama did not win his last term in office then, Black people would return in "chains" to the fields of Tara and Twelve Oaks.  If Black people can not believe the threats of racial segregation and enslavement from Clinton Two, Jackson, Sharpton, Bryd, Eminem, Clinton One, Obama, Smiley, the DNC, and the Mainstream Media ("Fake News") then, whom can they count upon?  Maybe the politically correct GOP?  Yes, maybe.

Well, he wants to build a wall, Ken!  So he must hate Mexicans!

Corey Stewart is not politically correct.  That is an understatement for those that have worked with him, served with him, and even worshipped with him.  Sitting in his historical parlor, we found his honesty and sincerity most refreshing.  He has been dressed down by the Commonwealth GOP for his "racist" actions and dressed up by the Left as the heir apparent to oversee the reintroduction of slavery in Amerca.  He conveyed to us his absolute disdain for hatred, bigotry, and racism.  Having served Prince William County for twelve years, he was not afraid to mix it up.  Corey is best known for implementing the nation’s toughest crackdown on illegal immigration, resulting in the county turning over more than 8,000 criminal illegal aliens to the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE), leading to a 48.7% drop in violent crime.  However, he has always respected the diversity of opinion and personhood that makes up one of the most diverse counties in Virginia.  He advised of his contempt for those, on the Left and the Right, that have used his fight for the rule of law and legal immigration as a rod for racial divide rather than resistance to prudent enforcement and illegal migration.  Maria Stewart, who is from Sweden, is an American immigrant and Corey's wife of 24 years.  She also serves a mean pot of tea!  He quietly and passionately advises that to hate any immigrant is to hate his wife.  He clearly does not.  To say that he wants to keep the races out of America is an offense since he annually opens his home to foreign students to study at a local high school.  To say that he hates people of color is to say that he hates the diverse group of supporters, representing every possible electoral group, assembled at his dining room table for "advice and counsel".  From Roanoke to Hampton to Richmond to Alexandria, it is easier for many to judge the statue of the man than to know the man himself.  However, to know him is to know his sincere desire that every Virginian may excel and succeed not because of the color of their skin but, by the content of their character. 

But Ken, he hates BLACK People!!! 

As we socialized in the parlor, we recognized how untrue that assessment could possibly be.  He's not a robot, for Corey has a tremendous sense of humor.  He wants to see all people succeed.  Sitting just outside the honeymoon sleeping quarters of former President George and Martha Washington, he was more than open to the contesting of his views on affirmative action.  As we listened, he expressed his great appreciation for the thoughts of Martin Luther King, Jr.  Corey never wanted the "best Hispanic", the "best Black", or the "best Asian".  In order to run a profitable County and run a winning campaign, Corey wanted the best people, irrespective of color.  Those individuals would be assembled to speak the truth and give accurate assessments of historical and current matters.  No political correctness!  No hearsay, innuendo, or gossip!  Just the facts so that men, women, and children would be served and not ruled. 

He also knows that the affirmative action born of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's does not impact Blacks in the same manner as originally prescribed.  The modern application's focus is on women, often white, and those of foreign descent.  The benefits sought for the few has now become exploited by the many.  The original intent is no more.  It is by merit that he wants children of every color in the human race to be considered.  None should be persecuted for their individual achievement because they were not the "right" color.  A singular message that misses the marks of the listening audience because his voice is often filtered through a media that prefers to present the monster rather than the man.  I find that we never ask of the Left, in an age far removed from even the threat of Jim Crow, "What generation will be the generation that Dr. King, Jr. spoke of seeking to be measured by merit and not by race." 

Corey Stewart does not hate BLACK People!

Virginia Commonwealth's US Senator Tim Kaine, Hillary's choice for Vice Presidential candidate in her electoral loss, once said, "But people ought to be proud to be Democrats right now.  You know, we're a happy warrior party.  And this Congress has every reason to be very, very proud of the heavy lifting that they have done."  A happy warrior party it has become.  A happy warrior party it is.  Its war is on the deplorable, you, the people of the Commonwealth:

"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. (Laughter/applause)  Right? (Laughter/applause)  They're racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic – Islamophobic – you name it.  And unfortunately, there are people like that.  And he has lifted them up.  He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people – now have 11 million.  He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric.  Now, some of those folks – they are irredeemable, but thankfully, they are not America."

These are the words of 2016 US Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Her Vice Presidential Nominee was current Virginia Commonwealth's US Senator Tim Kaine.  They got their marching orders from Obama, "I want you to argue with them and get in their face!"  It was the pronouncement that the war was on and the Democrats have not ceased their pursuit of victory.  If not by the ballot then, it shall be done by the mob.  They divided the rich and the poor.  They divided the healthy and the sick.  They divided peoples by race, by sex, and by gender.  If the people resisted at the ballot box then, by force the Left would prevail at the legislature.  If the legislature is fought by the will of the people and elections provided no wave of support, the Left coerced the judiciary.  When the legislatures, the executive offices, and the judiciaries turned deaf to their demands, they invigorated the mob and the media to prevail on the simple American voters that knew no better than to vote for President Trump. 

And where was Tim Kaine?  Where was the man that did not know about Antifa until his son was arrested as a member?  Supporting the "warrior party"! 

"I want to make sure that Hillary Clinton is the next president of the United States because we need Secretary Clinton's focus on making sure that we build an America where our values of inclusion and opportunity for everyone are the values that bring us together."
Tim Kaine

The Democrat Party's values, indeed, the values that best represent a Clinton-Kaine America, are those that provoke violence and discord in the home, in the restaurant, on the streets, and on the Senate floor.  The Democrat Party has sought to purge from the political discourse those that favor a nation with borders as Islamaphobes.  Those that do not want MS-13 and opioids transporting through our country's borders as xenophobes.  Those that believe marriage is a traditional value and not a choice of government as homophobic.  Those that believe that sexual assault claims should be adjudicated in the courts of law rather than the courts of public opinion are sexist.  Finally, those that believe Inner Cities should strengthen law and order to prevent repeat offenses that result in theft, death, and destruction are racists. 

For Tim Kaine and the Left, Corey represents "the red-neck, Bible-toting, racist, homophobic, sexist Philistines" that would dare to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, strengthen trade with our neighbors to the North and South, and deport MS-13 domestic terrorists and those that have overstayed their visas.  Tim Kaine and Left see those that relieve themselves of the chains of Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, and disability to enter the ever prosperous job market as a threat to their governing power structure.  For Tim Kaine and the Left, the Clinton-Kaine regime will ruthlessly assault an innocent man's character, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in order to harness power illicitly.  Elections have consequences.  They lost the Senate first.  They lost the Presidency next.  As in slavery, people are merely things when power is pursued without constraint.  Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was not a woman abused but a tool to harness power illicitly.  Kavanaugh was not a man under assault from unwarranted allegation and accusation, he and his family were merely pawns in the chess match to garner power.  Now, the American people are merely things, tools, or pawns in their fight to maintain the strength of the warrior party.  It is not Corey Stewart that is the greatest threat to the civility of the US Senate.  It is Tim Kaine.  His silent fervor consents to the mob appeal for power.

This is where the Virginia Commonwealth GOP must ask themselves.  "What are we, if not useful things, tools, or pawns in the Left's battle to alienate the American electorate while conquesting the Party of Lincoln that prefers political correctness rather than open revolt against the Progressive warriors."  It saddens me that the Right in the Commonwealth appears to favor the Left and the political carnage that comes with their mob rule.  The Left used Puritanical discourse to engage the public in condemning and convicting Kavanaugh.  Some on the Right bowed their heads and did not speak.  The Left used their Puritanical discourse to embarrass the Commonwealth's GOP from favoring Corey.  Some on the Right are willing to go into that silent dark night and yield in battle.  When the moment has come to prevail in the land, they are weak and heavy laden.  The Commonwealth's GOP, so needed for the next battle for the Supreme Court, for permanent tax reductions for individuals, for a wall that controls immigration, for an increase in prosperity for Virginians and all Americans, have decided that their silence is worthy of glory and that the Left shall win again.  The Commonwealth's GOP is willing to yield the Senate to the Left to chastise a single man.  The Commonwealth's GOP says "more children must be aborted before we put the right person in the US Senate".  The Commonwealth's GOP says that "Americans must cede their natural rights of self-defense that Corey learns his lesson."  The Commonwealth's GOP says that "Trump must continue to stumble in Battle with the Left until we find the perfect Establishment Republican to take Kaine's seat".

Virginia Commonwealth GOP, You are either a Democrat or a Republican. The World Will Know on November 6.  America will pay mightily if you choose to be Democrats.  Virginians will pay mightily if you choose to silently consent to Democrat rule.  Corey Stewart is a man of great merit and character.  America will soon be able to answer if the Commonwealth GOP are similar in stature and grace. 


Kenneth McClenton
Founder, Chairman, and President 
1307 44th Place SE
Washington, DC 20019
Phone   202-660-1329 Ext 0



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