Written By Kenneth McClenton / Research By Bonnie Williams

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Many Lefty Propagandists of the Karl Marx Persuasion Are Criticizing President Donald J. Trump ("45") for spending nearly a $1,000 on Fast Food to treat the Clemson Tigers Football Team During Their Visit to the White House.

The Stalwarts of the "Forever Obama's The Victim" Tribe Contend that If President Number 44 Had Done the Same Thing that He Would Have Been Vehemently Criticized.

Firstly, Thank You, President Trump, for Using Your Own Wealth to Treat America's Collegiate Football Champions. I did not hear or see any of those laboring hard for the out of pay federal worker Congressman relaxing on the Beach in Puerto Rico offering any of their hard-earned Congressional dollars to build a wall of extravagant gourmet dishes for the hungry victors. During the Clemson Tigers' visit to the White House after their College Football National Championship win, President Trump joked about personally buying hamburgers for the players instead of having his wife, Melania Trump, make them salads. The feeding of these men of football glory was done while the White House Kitchen was closed due to the government shut down.

I am quite certain that if he had asked those watching the play "Hamilton" in Puerto Rico--at the expense of Google, several big K Street firms, R.J. Reynolds, Facebook, Comcast, Amazon, PhRMA, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, and unions like the National Education Association--to give a few of their Hamiltons for this cause that they would have gone to CNN, MSNBC, or the local DC Fox Five News and complained about how "cheap" the President was for not providing food for the visitors.

By the way, if Obama had done the same, the Media would have lauded him for his caring nature, his valor in the desperate times of a government shutdown and expected a second Nobel nomination for his ability to perform at the highest levels of excellence in the midst of an unmanufactured crisis. If left to the Left of Centered Lackies to Report, Obama Never Shut Down the Government, There Was A Chicken in Every Pot, and Americans Were Able to Keep Their Doctors [].

The rose filtered glasses of the Left satisfy their hearts of men least. There are even Lefties that portend that the President should not have chosen McDonald's or Wendy's but, should have gone out of the way to purchase food only from Five Guys. These are same folks that come to your Christmas party and tell you that it would have been better if you offered valet parking, access to the safe, and a standing invitation for dinner for the year. Amazing. Wait a minute, Mr. and Ms. Snowflake, how much of your trust fund money was offered for this event that was not sponsored by Google, several big K Street firms, R.J. Reynolds, Facebook, Comcast, Amazon, PhRMA, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, and unions like the National Education Association? I did not see your tithe and offering for this event. I am sure that if a GoFundMe page was created then, you would have donated. Wow, if only "45" had been as enterprising as you. Can you imagine what he would have been when he grew up?

Secondly, I have had the fine pleasure of dining at the White House as a guest of President Trump ad First Lady Melania Trump. [Yes, "Forever Obama's the Victim" Advocates. I was not invited by Obama, I was invited by Trump.] It was a splendid visit and the food I enjoyed tremendously. I count it a great joy to have had the opportunity to attend. As I was taught under what Kamala Harris would consider as Christian dogma, I am grateful for every opportunity given me in private and in public. It is a humble expression to share a meal with a King or a common man. In each expression, the world should see Christ. However, that is a filthy expression to Leftists. The rewards of life should be guaranteed and always exploitative of those deemed "less worthy" for amassing great fortune, fame, and power. It is not an expression of Christ sought but, of Mao, Stalin, and Castro. For Trump, there is no victory in even the most humble expression.

While the kitchen was closed, I imagine that many other Presidents would have only opened the doors of the White House for the pomp and circumstance of a visit, photo-op handshake with the President in the Oval Office, and quick exit towards 15th Street NW. No Kitchen, No Food! However, Trump offered the meal that a 6 foot 6-inch 300-pound offensive lineman would most enjoy. Rather than salmon on a cracker or a gourmet mini-slider, they were offered All-American meals--Burger King, Wendy's and McDonald's. Remember, Chris Webber decided to leave Michigan because he could not afford to buy a Big Mac Meal while a member of the Fab Five. Trust me, many of these great scholar-athletes will have the opportunity to enjoy the spoils of international gourmet dining either as professional athletes or coveted businessmen. However, if I was an athlete visiting the White House then, I would have only been looking for the ketchup packs.

Thanks, Mr. President.

How much did the White House spend on Clemson's fast food spread?


Kenneth McClenton
Founder, Chairman, and President 
1307 44th Place SE
Washington, DC 20019
Phone   202-660-1329 Ext 0



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